
Mansi Reddy
Age 27
The eldest daughter, a doctor, caretaker, giver, a loving family person,mature, old soul. Always sacrificing but does she have desires? Is she happy?
Manvi Reddy
Age 25
The youngest daughter, an engineer, naughty, savage, gets what she wants, strong independent. Always a goofy sunshine ball but is she really that?

Alok rao
Age 26
Manvi and Mansi’s neighbour. Been with them Since childhood.

Yash Reddy
Age 30
Husband of Mansi, the perfect Gentleman. A doctor.

Sharda and Vijay. The parents of the sisters.


When your favourite Disney movie is Frozen and your sister is your soulmate, this is for you.


Smut alert.

Soft Romance.

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