Chapter 2: Chaos

Mansi's Pov:

I hope everything goes according to plan. It should be perfect and that’s my plan. After the speeches made by people who love, respect, and admire Dad, they all go to the food section. Mom is checking everyone making sure that they are ok. Dad is talking to his colleagues. This makes me worried about whether will he be able to survive or not work after retirement. He has never taken a leave in his career without an emergency. he loved working.

This makes me see the girl I love the most. she walks towards Actually the right description would be dropping her shoulders, dragging her feet along with her long dress, and making a frown face.

‘ what happened? ‘ I question her while raising my eyebrows.

‘ I can’t handle this anymore, too many people to handle and mom has corrected me a thousand times of just being here 2 hours ‘ with that resting frown face she has.

‘what happened to you? You have been looking at dad like he is going to college’ as she says that we look at dad with his colleagues.

‘he loves to work. do you think he will be able to handle all that leisure time he will get after this retirement? ‘

‘Are you kidding me right now? Dad didn’t ‘love’ working. He just worked for money, for responsibilities and to escape mom. The only thing he will not be able to handle is living with mom 24/7.’ she says while sighing.

‘look’ she says while making hand gestures and facial expressions like mom. Oh god, I forgot how good she was at this. I missed her a lot. I try to hug but she breaks my hold on her while making dis gusted face and says ‘Go hug your husband not me’.

And that single sentence made me go hell hole again actually a single word.’ HUSBAND’.

‘by the way, where is he? I haven’t seen him here yet’ she says while checking out the whole place looking for him.

‘he is conducting an important surgery’ I say looking at my phone hoping for a text from him.

"so how 'important' is this important surgery" She emphasizes the importance while saying it.

‘what do you mean while saying important?’

"Nothing, just wondering if he's always going to put work before everything else, like our dad and it is just that people are thinking there is trouble In paradise" she says while waving her head like she is teaching a kid with her tone slightly accusatory.

‘He's dedicated to his job, just like Dad and People always think something or the other.’

"You're just like Mom, always making excuses for them." . I can't help but wonder if she's right. Am I too blinded by loyalty to see the truth? Will I end up like Mom, sacrificing my own happiness for the sake of others? 

The caterer then comes to me with the bill distracting me from this chaos ,while I take him to the side to discuss about the money.

Time skip:

‘all these gifts will not fit in the trunk’ says Manvi while screaming as it was pouring out.

Manvi goes to the window near Mom and says ‘Why don’t you come outside and try?

‘let us leave some gifts here then’ says Dad.

‘No’ Mom and Manvi scream at a time.

‘We will carry them in the back seat’ she says while putting it in the car.

‘ Everything would have fit in the trunk if your luggage was not in the trunk’ Mom says while looking out of the window.

‘ do you want me to toss out my luggage?’ Manvi says with a scowling face.

‘ok guys let's just leave the fight and go peacefully’ me trying to make a peace treaty.

‘Dad I want to drive’ says Manvi

‘ok come I am going to take the backseat with your  mom’

"no ,she is not driving" screams mom as everyone knows how she drives, i mean flys the car. 

‘Let her drive Sarada, I forgot my glasses. ’ says Dad

After 10 minutes according to Mom but 30 minutes according to Manvi:

"why can’t you drive safe?"  says Mom while searching for the house keys.

‘I don’t see anyone dead or hurt, so i drove it safely.’ says Manvi with a side-eye.

At last, Mom found the key and Dad opened the door. Manvi lands on the sofa as soon as she enters the house. She relaxes and closes her eyes. Mom seeing that bends her neck backwards as if she has had enough of the little brat that she thinks Manvi is.

She looks at me while pointing her out ,for which I sign her leave it.

After unpacking her stuff, she and I relax in PJs. then my phone rang. Manvi ran to pick up my phone and "I am sorry the person you trying to call is currently busy with her real family. Please try later” she said after lifting the call. I snatch the phone and check the caller ID. It was ‘HIM’.

"looks like she is back" he says with that sexy deeper voice. Control Mansi.

“I have come back to take what’s mine" she screams into my phone, I didn’t realize she was eavesdropping on us. I push her and open the door. " come on you can have phone sex before me" she makes all those sensual expressions as i leave the room. He laughs with his husky voice on the phone.


"my surgery has just finished, I will come to pick you up. I was thinking of getting your parents something but I don’t know what to get. What should I get?"

"you don’t need to bring anything" because gift giving is not his thing.

"doesn’t it be rude?"


‘I will figure it out on my own then’

It takes me time to register but Manvi has already snatched my phone. "don’t bother to come today, she will stay here tonight."

she pauses and continues to say.

" are you scared that if you give me your wife for just one night she gonna stay with me forever and leave you."

oh no she is challenging him ."Ok then. "

and she cuts the call.

"he agreed to me staying here!" I was surprised because after a long day he definitely needs my cuddles.

"hey I thought you were a strong, independent woman who doesn’t need a man’s permission" she says flicking my nose with her fingers.

"did he say yes or no?" I ask with a serious expression. "I didn’t let him finish his sentence and cut the phone" she said pursing her lips.

Then I get a notification from my messenger. Its him.


Stay with Manvi, but make her jealous.

A lottttttt

Make sure she knows that you are mine, only mine. Show her the hickeys I gave you last time.

I smile. These people are gonna kill me one day. ‘ what was the message?’


“oh please, you were flushed like you were submerged in a red paint” She rolls her eyes.

“he is my husband, what do you want me to do?”

“He has been your husband for 1 and half year, so I expect you to get bored of him and find a new one , a better one atleast.”

“he is my husband, there is no getting bored. He is my husband till death does us apart and he not just better, he is just best.”

“and tell more. He is my husband for the next 7 births, love my life, soulmate blah blah blah” she says with a mocking voice.

‘Are you jealous of him?’

“why would I be jealous of him? I am your sister while he is just your husband”

“ok, whatever.” I say while raising my eyebrows.

Her jaw drops, “do you not believe me?, seriously what is it that we haven’t had, that you guys have”

“I mean …” I give her a you know expression.

“eww, I mean eww”

“Come on food is ready" Mom screams from the kitchen.

Manvi runs to the kitchen. “what's special?”

“the leftovers of today’s function”

“I need some special food” she demands.

“for what?”

“for my arrival from so far place, my journey across oceans, seas and continents”. Drama queen indeed

“I will cook specials tomorrow as we will invite the son in law”

“but I want specials only for me, my favourites” she says while pouting.

“you will stay here for long enough, so I don’t want to bother myself with a lot of dishes tomorrow," Mom says while setting the plates.

“what the hell is this?” Manvi says while checking the food with her spoon.

“it's paneer kadhai, but there is no paneer” Mom served everyone, while Dad came right at that moment.

“I am done, I am not hungry anymore,” says Manvi as she leaves the dining table. “don’t leave the table Kanna.” Says dad.

“let her leave, she will eat when she is hungry,” says Mom.

We start eating without Manvi.

After some time:

I enter our room, Manvi has unpacked her stuff already, and was checking her phone. "I would have helped you to unpack your luggage” I say while sitting on the other side of the bed.

“I just took everything and put it in the cupboard.”

“should I do something?” she was avoiding me and looking at the phone

“do you want me to cook something good?” me giving suggestions, so that she is happy. 


“come on eat something. You should not sleep empty stomach.”

“I am habituated to doing that .”

I rest my head on the bed and she rests her head in the pillow and screams in it. "I hate being home.” She says after lying down on the bed. "it’s only been 10 hours and you are already on bad terms with Mom”

“well, my fight with Mom started the moment she looked at me in the event” I raise my head and take my hand to support the weight of my head and look at her.

She turns her head and looks at me. “she was tired of all things, that’s the reason she is behaving a little grumpy” I say assuring her.

“Seriously, I know Mom. Grumpiness is a part of her personality, and the rude side is special only that I face.” She says as she looks at the ceiling fan.

“ come on it's not true, even dad faces that side” She leaves a small giggle.

"oh he does." and we start laughing.

“Are you happy?” she says out of the blue while looking dead into my eyes. “wow that’s out of nowhere.” I lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling fan.

“I don’t know, you don’t seem happy, and that hell of your husband is missing”

“first of all, he was having an important surgery. Second of all, you made him not come here right now.”

“but still you don’t seem happy”

“what do you want me to do, laugh all the time to prove to you that I am happy”


“you hate him for no reason. Just because we had an arranged marriage it doesn’t mean we have an unhappy one too”

“but it was a forced one”

“no, it was not .It has been 1 and a half years of my marriage and you’re asking me right now”

"well i was not here after you wedding." oh that's right she left right after the rituals completed and never returned until now. But, now that she is back she wants all the answers she didn't get back then. i don't think i am still ready to say everything. worst of it is that the present situation is even more worse than it was before.

And then we were looking at the ceiling fan after that. I laugh in my head, out of all people the only person who saw something which i was hiding from everyone was my sister. I have been really unhappy for the past week but I don’t think anyone found out about it. But this woman just has been with me for hours and seen right through my facades.

It’s just that one hurdle I need to pass, one down face of my life i need to face, then everything will be back to normal.

Then I take my phone and message my dear husband.

                                                                                   HUSBAND 💕

Please don’t get something stupid.

Hey I have planned something great

He is going to waste a fortune for nothing. i don't even know why he wants to impress my parents every time, i mean he was the one they chose for me. 

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