Chapter 4: Female anatomy

Even though the early morning sunlight is hitting my eyes I tend to avoid it. My body is sore after working and taking responsibility for the party. I think I need to take a hot shower and the some self-care. Even though I have been planning everything Lethargy has taken over me. Then I feel warm hands on my right ankle giving tight compression on pressure points.  Then the massage continues to the foot. Then I extend my left leg which needs as much attention as my right one. Then the warmth comforts my covers my foot as they are joined together as the massage goes from ankle to foot I whimper in the release of my muscle pain. Then my toes were pulled which makes jump in bed.

My eyes still closed, wait who was it? It was him all this time. He raised an eyebrow, with a smug on his face with well-styled hair he gave a wicked smile took both my feet in each hand, and pulled me towards him. He makes space between my legs, wraps them around, and settles in between. As he towers over me I back down and lay on my back as he traps me. He places his hands on either side of my head.

“good morning Jaanu,” he says as I wrap my arms around his neck. He was about to kiss but I turned my head. I sign that I have morning breath. “I don’t care Jaanu I just want you” As he says he tries to kiss me while I try to push him away.

Then we hear an ear-splitting scream which comes from the door. Oh no, Manvi was in the room. Yash and I looked at the door as we were horrified so was she. “What happened?” Mom screams from the kitchen. “nothing Mom” I say. I push him off me as he lays on his back in the bed.

“get off my bed,” Manvi says authoritatively to Yash. He settles his head on his elbow “ I have been on this bed a lot of times and we have done so many things..” she doesn’t let him finish as she screams in a screeching voice.

 He tries to tease her more but then Mom enters. “why are you... oh?” as soon as we see her, we get off the bed. “oh, hi beta when have you come?”

“just now mom”

“Mom??” Manvi with a horrid expression. “yeah” as he tried to poke her again. “beta why don’t you sit in the living room while I have some snacks”

“ok Mom” he stresses over Mom. Manvi gives a nauseated expression while he gives a ridiculed expression and leaves the room. Oh god, I am so done with them.

“Mom, I need to change my bed sheets don’t know what horrific things happened on it” she says and looks at me.

“nothing happened drama queen” I say as I enter the bathroom for a bath. I roll my eyes and shut the door on her face.

I started my self-care and realised I need to shave because I am anticipating some things today. He says he doesn’t care but I try to do things, I don’t know why but I like to wear good lingerie but he doesn’t even care about them.

After all the care I wear a floor-length dress, put on some makeup and matching jewellery. Manvi comes out of the washroom and looks shocked.

“Are we going out?” she asks while inspecting me head to toe.


“then why did you dress like that” pointed out my whole body she says.

“I just wanted to look good”

“for him?”

“for myself”

“ok one question, did you shave your body?”

Oh good god what should I say, “ah..”

“you did shave then. Women only shave even after wearing floor-length dresses if and only if she is anticipating sex. You horny bitch.” She says in an accusatory tone.

“ he is my husband and sex It’s a natural interaction between a woman and her man so I am not horny ”

“When you choose your husband over your sister who has not been home in a long time you are considered to be a horny bitch”

“I was with you the whole night,” I say and walk out of the room as she would change the subject.

“no, you were not. You were sleeping”

“so were you”

“no, I wasn’t. I wasn’t even home ” What the hell?

“where were you?” I ask eyes widened

“I was with Alok. Don’t say to anyone.” Oh god, both are back again. Double trouble. That’s what everyone calls them. It was a nightmare if they got together. Anyone couldn’t control the storm they created. After she left he was not that active. But now they are back I don’t know what will happen.

“food is ready so everyone eats it,” Mom says which makes me go to the dining table. I sit in my usual place but Yash is already sitting in Manvi’s place. Big trouble coming.

“it's my place,” Manvi says holding that chair. “so, what?” he is trying to get something out of her. “Manvi sits in the other chair.”

“I am not hungry,” Manvi says sulking. “come on eat” I drag her to sit in another chair.

Every food item was Yash’s favourite. So he was savouring the food while Manvi was still sulking. “thanks for making such tasty food Mom”  he is so happy when he gets good food.

“thank you beta”

“yeah thank you Mom for making all my favourites without considering your daughters” Manvi imitates Yash by saying that in a deep voice which fell flat.

Mom glares which she doesn’t even acknowledge. “I will cook you your favourites when you come to our home.” He says while showing our joined hands. Oh god, when has done that?

“This is her home”

“not anymore”. Manvi gasps. I don’t like their bickering at all. I want to stop it. But the more I do to try to stop, the more they bicker so I try to separate them as soon as possible.

“I think we should leave for our home Jaanu” “Okay I will bring my luggage” which was a lot as I was staying for 3 days here for preparations.

“jaanu..” she questioned.

“ yeah she is my jaanu and I am hers,” Yash says proudly.

“ew, cringe ”. I leave the room so that I can pack my luggage while their word wars continue.

I pack my bag quickly so they don’t start a war. I say goodbye to everyone. “when will you come back?” Manvi says while pouting.

“do you mean for visiting you?” Yash says taking a jibe at her.

“Why don’t you come to our home? It will be such a good change.”

I drag Yash out of the house so that he doesn’t say anything. We start driving home.  I don’t know when I fell asleep. He put on the car visor so that I don’t get disturbed by sunlight. then as we reach the home. I don’t even look back as I open the car door and barge into the house without even acknowledging him or my luggage. I put the pin and open the door without closing it I dump myself on the sofa.

He being the gentleman follows me with my luggage. He places the luggage on the floor, takes my legs, and places them on his lap.

“Are you tired, jaanu?” Oh yeah, but then an evil thought sprouts in my head,

“yeah, doctor,” I say as I turn to face him. His orbs turn dark and he clenches his jaw. He then places my legs on the sofa and towers over me. He then takes my lower lip between the fingers of his right hand while balancing all his weight on his left hand which was at the side of my head.

“ tell me you want me to just massage you” he was already on the edge of breaking all composure and becoming wild. So instead of saying yes, I just push him more.

“no, I want you to teach me female anatomy. Seems I forgot it” he leaves a chuckle. While he gets up over me, he also gives soft touches from my torso to my hips. He gives a sight pressure hips for which I hiss.

“This is the anterior superior iliac spine which I  think needs a little release as I think I need to lift you off this place and take you to the bed”  he kneads the place with his thumb and finger knuckles. “oh yeah, doctor” he didn’t even touch my bare skin and I was already giving in. he lifts me from the sofa as I wrap my legs around him. “jugular notch of sternum because I am so hungry.” He says while sucking it. He throws me onto the bed.

He then takes my hips in his hands and flips me over so that my back faces him. He placed the fingers in the clavicle and took the support of the thumb from the vertebrae. “this is supraclavicular fossa you need this as you need to wrap my neck  with your hands ” he said while putting pressure with the fingers and then he gave pressure with the thumbs “trapezius muscle you need it so that you bend your neck while I kiss you hard”

“ahh,” I moan.

His ferocious touch moves to my neck. He was just holding my neck with one hand not choking me but I wish he was. “Sternocleidomastoid muscle, don’t worry I will choke you hard on other day” he says while his lips touch my earlobes. I was holding my breath.

He then goes to my arms, why so fast? He holds my biceps “ bicep brachia muscle and-“ he joins my elbows “tricep brachia muscle so that I can tie your hands but you will never be able to be free with them”. I moan into the pillow.

He then moves towards my feet which makes me miss his touch already. He takes my feet in his hands. He traces his thumbs on my ankles. He then starts giving pleasure sorry pressure to my feet.

“ calcaneus, which should be on my shoulders” he starts moving upward inside my floor-length dress, oh yes.

“lateral malleolus of the fibula and” he pauses I look back to see he is already looking at me. “ say it you’re also a doctor Jaanu” . “hmm” I whine. He gives a sudden pressure which makes me jump. “say it”.

“medial malleolus of the fibula,” I say. he puts his hands inside as he lifts my dress.

“triceps surae muscle, holding it with one hand ” and his hot breath hits my bare skin.

“popliteal fossa hold on to it with the other hand while I pound into you” he increases his pressure as he moves further up. As is my wetness because of his rough touch. He knows my body better than me. Who am I kidding he is a doctor.

“concentrate,” he says as his palms move to my thighs. Now he will know how turned on I so am. “and you know the hamstring muscle, which needs to be strong enough for animalistic tendencies” He gives a lot more pressure which leaves marks.

Now he goes near my ass. “do you know what is this?”

“I would love to hear it from you”

“oh yeah?” he is already over me saying it to me nibbling my ear lobe.


“gluteal sulcus where our skin slaps for every thurst,” I think he has already felt the wetness of my panty.

“intergluteal cleft where I grab your perfect ass while I am inside you”

“oh god”

“posterior superior iliac spine where it aches every time after I fuck you  ”. the pressure he gives me right now releases all the muscles' stress and lulls me into a peaceful slumber. I unwind to the point where all thoughts slip away and I drift off into a deep sleep.

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